Book Me

WHERE DO YOU NEED HELP?screen-shot-2016-10-14-at-7-46-24-am

My goal as your Staff Developer is to help support and enrich teaching and learning in a 1:1 environment. What better way to do that than through strengthening the technology skills of our staff, offering hands-on experience in YOUR classroom, as well as professional development anytime, anywhere. It is my hope to amplify the great things each of our teachers are already doing in their classrooms. Feel free to meet to bounce ideas around, learn about new tools that could come in handy, or to enhance what you already know.


Please note: I will be at each of the following schools on the days listed below. The flex day will have me at Ramapo in the morning and Indian Hills in the afternoon. Should you need me at a time that is different than what is listed below, please feel free to schedule with advanced notice. Also, please keep in mind travel for me to get between buildings. When booking, please leave a brief description of what we will be working on, as well as the room # to where we will be meeting!

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